Indonesia and Hong Kong Explore Educational Cooperation Opportunities

Indonesia and Hong Kong Explore Educational Cooperation Opportunities

Global | IDX Channel | Rabu, 21 Februari 2024 - 20:56

IDXChannel - The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong met with the Vice President of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Professor Ian Holliday, at the HKU campus on Monday (19/2/2024).

"This meeting aims to discuss the potential for educational cooperation. This is done because Hong Kong has great potential as one of the study destinations for Indonesian students," the Indonesian Consulate General stated in a media releas.

One of the ways raised is to increase student exchange programs between Indonesian and Hong Kong students. HKU already has approximately 400 partner universities for student exchanges. Professor Holliday expressed his interest in collaborating with 3-4 universities in Indonesia for the program.

Professor Holliday also mentioned the possibility of increasing the quota for foreign students from outside China at HKU from 300 to 600 in the near future. In addition, HKU also has a very lucrative doctoral scholarship. Both of these things are expected to be HKU\'s selling points for Indonesian students.

At the event, Consul General Yul Edison also invited HKU students to join the scholarship program offered by the Indonesian government. These scholarships include Dharmasiswa, Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (BSBI), and Developing Country Partnership Scholarship (KNB). In addition, the Hong Kong Consul General said that there needs to be an increase in the interest of Indonesian students to continue their studies in Hong Kong which is still relatively small.

Several universities in Hong Kong have been listed as the best universities in the world, including the University of Hong Kong which was ranked the best in Hong Kong and the 26th best in the world based on the assessment of the QS World University Rankings 2024. HKU is also part of the University21 network, which consists of 29 of the best universities in the world, including Gajah Mada University (UGM). (WHY)

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